2 Fort Core Published

With the theme for the jam being Recover I decided to use the Capture the Flag template in Core. I had recently been working with the fantasy tileset for the D&D contest and liked the look of it, so I opted to use it in this jam. I decided that I wanted to try to recreate the original 2fort4 map from Quake Team Fortress, so I looked up reference screenshots of the original level as I wasn't sure where I could play it 24 years later. I think I captured a fairly decent version from my memory and made a few adjustments where I wanted. The tunnel now comes out close to the base rather than being under water, and the water level is close enough to the edge that you can get back out of it. 

In terms of immediate gameplay changes, I need to add a healing mechanism and adjust some of the weapon properties, as well as add a few more. I haven't decided if I want to make a class based system or something else but for the time being you just pick up the weapon you want to use from the spawn point or the flag room. One idea I like is a CS / CoD Zombies style purchase system for weapons, which would require some form of mobs to be added so you could farm gold. Fortunately Core makes it extremely simple to add enemies to any game template so once I decide it should be really easy. 


2 Fort Core
Sep 19, 2020

Get 2 Fort Core

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