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Great job on this, RT!

Thank you! It was a lot of fun to build. :)


I enjoyed playing, and the them's really nice. It's inspiring too1


Hello, I played this game, and I enjoyed it! Good work :)


Thank you, I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed it! :)


I wish I could've gotten a better ending but I still had so much fun! I can tell there was a lot of work put into this. Keep it up and I cannot wait to play more from you! 

Here's my playthrough if anyone wants to see: 


Thank you Rheia! I am eager to share my next thing. :) And thank you for making a video, I really appreciate it!

(2 edits) (+1)

My compliments on the atmosphere, it was enjoyable from start to finish.

I miss some additional visual feedback when I use the cursor as an outline in some of the places / objects I want to interact, otherwise good job man.


Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I can see what you mean, especially when the white cursor is hovering on a bright area. I tried to add a small outline, I should have made it bigger. :)


Really great atmosphere

Thank you! :) Atmosphere is by far my favorite thing to work on.


nice work!

Nice! Thank you for posting a video. :)



¡Oh, vaya! Gracias por hacer un video sobre esto ❤️

(1 edit) (+1)

kkkkkk A mulher da locadora atirou em mim quando ofereci dinheiro para ela

Ella debe haber pensado que estabas intentando conseguirlo gratis jajaja ;)


kkkkk achei muito engraçado, pena que deu Game Over e não tive paciência de começar tudo de novo.

Estou feliz que você riu! Jogos antigos como King's Quest faziam coisas assim, então pensei que deveria fazer o mesmo. :)



Wow that's awesome, thank you for sharing! <3


you welcome:D

(1 edit) (+1)

This was really great game well made keep it up!

😍 I will absolutely keep at it!


Wow! This game looks truly amazing. The story pulled me right in. This is one of a kind :)

Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it!